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This guide is not a conclusive list of the features in Tanjun.

You'll want to have some basic understanding of Hikari before you start using Tanjun. A basic Hikari guide can be found here.

Starting with Hikari#

Tanjun supports both REST server-based application command execution, and gateway-based message and application command execution. To run Tanjun you'll want to link it to a Hikari bot.

bot = hikari.impl.GatewayBot("TOKEN")
client = tanjun.Client.from_gateway_bot(bot, declare_global_commands=True, mention_prefix=True)


Here a Tanjun client is linked to a gateway bot instance to enable both message and application command execution.

There's no need to directly start or stop the Tanjun client as it'll be managed by lifetime events (unless event_managed=False is passed).

declare_global_commands=True instructs the client to declare the bot's slash commands and context menus on startup, and mention_prefix=True allows the bot's message commands to be triggered by starting a command call with @bot.

bot = hikari.impl.RESTBot("TOKEN", hikari.TokenType.BOT)
tanjun.Client.from_rest_bot(bot, bot_managed=True, declare_global_commands=True)

And here a Tanjun client is linked to a REST server bot instance to enable application command execution.

Unlike when linked to a Gateway bot, bot_managed=True must be explicitly passed to Client.from_rest_bot to have the client automatically start when the Rest bot starts.

Client lifetime management#

While Hikari's bots provide systems for starting and stopping sub-components, these aren't cross-compatible nor Tanjun friendly; Tanjun's client callbacks provide a cross-compatible alternative for these (which also supports dependency injection).

client = tanjun.Client.from_gateway_bot(bot)

async def on_starting(client: alluka.Injected[]) -> None:
    client.set_type_dependency(aiohttp.ClientSession, aiohttp.ClientSession())

async def on_closed(session: alluka.Injected[aiohttp.ClientSession]) -> None:
    await session.close()

client.add_client_callback(tanjun.ClientCallbackNames.CLOSED, on_closed)

Managing bot functionality#

tanjun.Component exists as a way to manage and group bot functionality, storing functionality such as event listeners, commands, scheduled callbacks, and client callbacks.

component = tanjun.Component()

@tanjun.as_slash_command("name", "description")
async def slash_command(ctx: -> None: ...

async def event_listener(event: hikari.Event) -> None: ...

The with_ methods on Component allow loading functionality like commands, event listeners, and schedules into it through a decorator call; the relevant add_ functions allow adding functionality through chained calls.

async def command(ctx: -> None: ...

component = tanjun.Component().load_from_scope()

Alternatively, functionality which is represented by a dedicated object can be implicitly loaded from a module's global scope using Component.load_from_scope rather than directly calling with_ and add_ methods.

Loading modules#

Components are used to represent the functionality in a Python module. While add_component can be used to directly add a component to a client, you can also declare "loaders" and "unloaders" for a module to more ergonomically load this functionality into a client.

component = tanjun.Component().load_from_scope()

def load(client: tanjun.Client) -> None:

def unload(client: tanjun.Client) -> None:

You can either declare one or more custom loaders and unloaders as shown above

component = tanjun.Component().load_from_scope()

loader = component.make_loader()

or use make_loader to generate a loader and unloader for the component.

    .load_directory("./bot/components", namespace="bot.components")

Modules with loaders can then be loaded into a client by calling load_directory to load from all the modules in a directory or load_modules to load specific modules.

Declaring commands#

Commands need to be in a component for them to be loaded into a client and may be added to a component either directly using Component.add_command/ Component.with_command (where add is chainable and with is a decorator callback) or implicitly using Component.load_from_scope.

All command callbacks must be asynchronous and can use dependency injection.

Slash commands#

@tanjun.with_str_slash_option("option", "description")
@tanjun.as_slash_command("name", "description")
async def slash_command(ctx: -> None: ...

Slash commands represent the commands you see when you start typing with "/" in Discord's message box and have names (which follow the restraints listed in Discord's documentation) and descriptions (which can be up to 100 characters long).

There are several different kinds of slash command arguments which all need a name and description (both of which have the same constraints as the relevant slash command fields) along with type-specific configuration. These can be configured using the following decorator functions and their add_{type}_option equivalent chainable methods on SlashCommand:

Most notably, only string arguments support converters (and the standard converters found in tanjun.conversion) similarly to message command arguments.

ding_group = tanjun.slash_command_group("ding", "ding group")

@ding_group.as_sub_command("dong", "dong command")
async def dong_command(ctx: -> None: ...

ding_ding_group = ding_group.make_sub_group("ding", "ding ding group")

@ding_ding_group.as_sub_command("ding", "ding ding ding command")
async def ding_command(ctx: -> None: ...

Slash commands can be stored in groups where the above example will be shown in the command menu as "/ding dong" and "/ding ding ding". Unlike message command groups, slash command groups cannot be directly called as commands and can only be nested once. For more information on how slash command groups are configured see slash_command_group.

Message commands#



@tanjun.with_option("reason", "--reason", "-r", default=None)  # This can be triggered as --reason or -r
@tanjun.with_multi_option("users", "--user", "-u", default=None)  # This can be triggered as --user or -u
@tanjun.with_argument("days", converters=int)
@tanjun.as_message_command("meow command", "description")
async def message_command(ctx: -> None: ...

Message commands are triggered based on chat messages where the client's prefixes and command names are used to match executable message commands (the above example would match messages starting with "!meow command"). These will only be executed when linked to a gateway bot with the MESSAGE_CONTENT intent declared and when at least 1 prefix is set.

To allow users to trigger a command by mentioning the bot before the command name (e.g. @BotGirl meow command) you can pass mention_prefix=True to either Client.from_gateway_bot or Client.__init__ while creating the bot. Mention prefixes work even if the MESSAGE_CONTENT intent is not declared.

# prefixes=["!"]

async def groupy_group(ctx: ...

@groupy_group.as_sub_command("sus drink")
async def sus_drink_command(ctx: ...

async def tour_group(ctx: ...

@tour_group.as_sub_command("de france")
async def de_france_command(ctx: ...

Message command groups are a collection of message commands under a shared name and (unlike slash commands) can also be directly executed as a command. The above example would have the following commands: "!groupy", !"groupy tour", "!groupy tour de france" and "!groupy sus drink". For more information on how message command groups are configured see as_message_command_group.

Argument parsing#

Message command argument parsing always handles string arguments and to declare parsed arguments you can use one of the with_option or with_argument methods in tanjun.parsing; while options are optional arguments that are passed based on a flag name (e.g. "--key"), arguments are passed positionally. It's worth noting that since decorators are executed from the bottom upwards positional arguments will follow the same order.

Arguments and options have multiple parsing approaches: Arguments only parse one value by default; "multi" (can be applied to both) arguments parse multiple values separately (passed to the function as a list of values); "greedy" (argument only) arguments parse the remaining positional values as one big string (including spacing).

The most helpful configuration for options and arguments is converters: these are callbacks which will be called to try convert an argument's raw value; the first callback to pass (not raise a ValueError) is used as the value. For more configuration see tanjun.parsing and for the standard converters see tanjun.conversion.

Context menus#

async def message_menu_command(ctx:, message: hikari.Message) -> None: ...

async def user_menu_command(ctx:, user: hikari.User) -> None: ...

Context menus represent the application commands shown when you click on a user or message in Discord and, unlike slash and message commands, do not have configurable arguments nor groups. For more information on configuring menu commands see tanjun.as_message_menu.

Annotation based command declaration#

Previously you've seen how to manually declare command options per command type, now it's time to go higher.

from typing import Annotated

from tanjun.annotations import Bool, Converted, Int, Ranged, Str, User

@tanjun.as_slash_command("name", "description")
async def command(
    name: Annotated[Str, "description"],
    age: Annotated[Int, Ranged(13, 130), "an int option with a min, max of 13, 130"],
    video: Annotated[Video, Converted(get_video), "a required string option which is converted with get_video"],
    user: Annotated[User | None, "a user option which defaults to None"] = None,
    enabled: Annotated[Bool, "a bool option which defaults to True"] = True,
) -> None: ...

tanjun.annotations provides a simple way to declare the arguments for both message and slash commands. While this feature is cross-compatible, there is one key difference: a description must be included for options when annotating for a slash command, which is done by passing a string value to typing.Annotated (as shown above).

This example doesn't demonstrate every feature of this; more information on how arguments are configured in a command's signature can be found at tanjun.annotations and tanchan.doc_parse adds documentation parsing support to this system for parsing descriptions.

Wrapped commands#

When creating multiple command types in a decorator call chain, standard decorators which can be applied to multiple command types often have a follow_wrapped argument which will apply them to all the compatible commands in a chain if True is passed for it.

When using follow_wrapped the relevant decorator will be applied to all the compatible as_{}_command decorator calls below it in the chain.

@tanjun.as_slash_command("name", "description")
async def command(ctx: -> None: ...

While the previous command examples have typed ctx as a context type that's specific to the command type, it's worth noting that abc.Context is a shared base for every command context type and may be used as the type for ctx when a callback supports multiple command types.

Responding to commands#

@tanjun.as_slash_command("name", "description")
async def command(
    ctx:, user: typing.Annotated[annotations.User | None, "The user to target"] = None
) -> None:
    user = user or
    message = await ctx.respond(
        "message content",

Context.respond is used to respond to a command call, this has a similar signature to Hikari's message respond method but will only be guaranteed to return a hikari.Message object when ensure_result=True is passed.

Ephemeral responses#

# All this command's responses will be ephemeral.
@tanjun.as_slash_command("name", "description", default_to_ephemeral=True)
async def command_1(ctx: -> None:
    await ctx.respond("hello friend")

async def command_2(ctx:, user: hikari.User) -> None:
    await ctx.create_initial_response("Starting the thing", ephemeral=True)  # private response
    await ctx.respond("meow")  # public response
    await ctx.create_followup("finished the thing", ephemeral=True)  # private response

Ephemeral responses are a slash command and context menu exclusive feature which marks a response as private (so that only the command author can see it) and temporary. A response can be marked as ephemeral by either passing ephemeral=True to AppCommandContext.create_initial_response (when initially responding to the slash command) or AppCommandContext.create_followup (for followup responses). Alternatively, an ephemeral default can either be set on a client level (using Client.set_ephemeral_default), component level (using Component.set_ephemeral_default), or for a specific command (by passing default_to_ephemeral=True while creating a command) to have any relevant application command responses default to ephemeral (including calls to Context.respond).


Slash commands and context menus traditionally need to give an initial response within 3 seconds. If you don't have a response message ready within 3 seconds, you can defer the first response using AppCommandContext.defer; the client will even automatically defer by default if you haven't created an initial response within a couple of seconds. Context.respond is aware of deferrals so you likely won't need to think about automatic deferral, unless you're using AppCommandContext.create_initial_response.

A deferral should be finished by editing in the initial response using either Context.edit_initial_response or Context.respond and if you want a deferred response to be ephemeral you'll have to either pass ephemeral=True while deferring or have the ephemeral default set to True.

Automatic deferral can be configured using Client.set_auto_defer_after, and commands can even be configured to always defer when they start executing by passing always_defer=True while creating the command.

Slash command autocomplete#

Autocomplete is a slash command exclusive feature that allows a bot to dynamically return choice suggestions to a user as they type a string option.

Autocomplete callbacks must be asynchronous and support dependency injection.

@tanjun.with_str_slash_option("opt1", "description")
@tanjun.with_str_slash_option("opt2", "description", default=None)
@tanjun.as_slash_command("name", "description")
async def slash_command(ctx:, opt1: str, opt2: str | None) -> None: ...

async def opt1_autocomplete(ctx:, value: str) -> None:
    await ctx.set_choices((("name", "value"), ("other_name", "other_value")), other_other_name="other_other_value")

async def opt2_autocomplete(ctx:, value: str) -> None:
    await ctx.set_choices({"name": "value", "other_name": "other_value"})

slash_command.set_str_autocomplete("opt2", opt2_autocomplete)

To set the results for an autocomplete interaction call AutocompleteContext.set_choices: this has a similar signature to dict and takes up to 25 choices (where both name and value have a limit of up to 100 characters).

Unlike application commands, autocomplete must give a response within 3 seconds as these do not support deferrals.

Dependency injection#

Tanjun supports type-based dependency injection as a type-safe approach for handling global state for most of the callbacks it takes (e.g. command callbacks, checks, hook callbacks, event listeners, schedule callbacks) through Alluka.

client = tanjun.Client.from_gateway_bot(bot)
client.set_type_dependency(Foo, Foo())
client.set_type_dependency(Bar, Bar())

Here we set the dependencies for the types Foo and Bar.

@tanjun.as_slash_command("name", "description")
async def command(
    ctx:, foo_impl: alluka.Injected[Foo], bar_impl: Bar = alluka.inject(type=Bar)
) -> None: ...

And here we declare a command callback as taking the client set values for Foo and Bar as keyword arguments using two different approaches. Since both arguments don't provide a default, these commands will fail if no value for Foo or Bar has been set using Client.set_type_dependency.

A more detailed guide on how this works and the full feature set (e.g. optional dependencies) can be found here. is exposed at Client.injector.

Standard and special cased injected types.#

The following types are registered globally as type dependencies:

* These type dependencies are only registered if the relevant Hikari component was included while creating the tanjun.Client instance.

The following type dependencies are available in specific contexts:

Both Client.from_gateway_bot and Client.from_rest_bot register type dependencies for the relevant hikari traits that the bot is compatible with. You can get this behaviour after directly initialising tanjun.clients.Client without a from method by calling Client.set_hikari_trait_injectors with the relevant bot object.

Advanced command flow management#


Checks are functions that run before command execution to decide whether a command or group of commands matches a context and should be called with it.

@tanjun.with_own_permission_check(hikari.Permissions.BAN_MEMBERS, follow_wrapped=True)
@tanjun.as_slash_command("name", "description", default_member_permissions=hikari.Permissions.BAN_MEMBERS)
async def command(ctx: -> None: ...

There's a collection of standard checks in tanjun.checks which work with all the command types. The only optional configuration most users will care about for the standard checks is the error_message argument which lets you adjust the response messages these send when they fail.

component = (

async def db_check(ctx:, db: alluka.Injected[Db]) -> bool:
    if (await db.get_user(
        raise tanjun.CommandError("You are banned from using this bot")

    return False

@tanjun.as_slash_command("name", "description")
async def owner_only_command(ctx: ...

Checks (both custom and standard) can be added to clients, components, and commands using either the chainable add_check method or the decorator style with_check method. The standard checks also provide with_... decorators which can be used to add the check to a command during a decorator chain. Checks on a client, component, or command group will be used for every child command.

def check(ctx: -> bool:
    if % 2:
        raise tanjun.CommandError("You are not one of the chosen ones")

    return True

Custom checks can be made by making a function with either the signature def (, ...) -> bool or async def (, ...) -> bool (where dependency injection is supported). Returning True indicates that the check passed, and returning False indicates that the client should continue looking for a matching command as the check failed. You will probably want to raise CommandError to end command execution with a response rather than returning False.

Execution hooks#

Command hooks are callbacks that are called around command execution, these are contained within Hooks objects which may be added to a command, client, or component using set_hooks where hooks on a client, component or command group will be called for every child command.

There are several different kinds of hooks which all support dependency injection and may be synchronous or asynchronous:

hooks = tanjun.AnyHooks()

@hooks.with_pre_execution  # hooks.add_pre_execution
async def pre_execution_hook(ctx: -> None: ...

Pre-execution hooks are called before the execution of a command but after command matching has finished and all the relevant checks have passed.

@hooks.with_post_execution  # hooks.add_post_execution
async def post_execution_hook(ctx: -> None: ...

Post-execution hooks are called after a command has finished executing, regardless of whether it passed or failed.

@hooks.with_on_success  # hooks.add_success_hook
async def success_hook(ctx: -> None: ...

Success hooks are called after a command has finished executing successfully (without raising any errors).

@hooks.with_on_error  # hooks.add_on_error
async def error_hook(ctx:, error: Exception) -> bool | None: ...

Error hooks are called when command's execution is ended early by an error raise that isn't a ParserError, CommandError or HaltExecution (as these are special-cased).

The return value of an error hook is used with other error hook return values to workout whether the error should be re-raised: True acts as a vote towards suppressing the error, False acts as a vote towards re-raising the error and None acts as no vote. In the case of a tie the error will be re-raised.

@hooks.with_on_parser_error  # hooks.add_on_parser_error
async def parser_error_hook(ctx:, error: tanjun.ParserError) -> None: ...

Parser error hooks are called when the argument parsing of a message command failed. Parser errors are never re-raised.

Concurrency limiter#

Concurrency limiters allow you to limit how many calls can be made to a group of commands concurrently.

client = tanjun.Client.from_gateway_bot(bot)
    .set_bucket("main_commands", tanjun.BucketResource.USER, 2)

Here InMemoryConcurrencyLimiter will manage the concurrency limits for all the commands in this bot instance with Limiter.set_bucket being called to limit the bucket "main_commands" to at most 2 concurrent executions per user, Limiter.disable_bucket being called to ensure that the bucket "plugin.meta" has no concurrency limit as unconfigured buckets will default to the configuration for the "default" bucket, and Limiter.add_to_client being used to set this limiter for a client (note that clients can only have 1 linked limiter).

@tanjun.with_concurrency_limit("main_commands", follow_wrapped=True)
@tanjun.as_slash_command("name", "description")
async def user_command(ctx: -> None: ...

And here we use with_concurrency_limit to mark these commands as using the "main_commands" concurrency limit bucket; buckets share their limits for a resource across all the commands under it. For more information on the resources concurrency can be limited by see BucketResource.


Cooldowns limit how often a group of commands can be called.

client = tanjun.Client.from_gateway_bot(bot)
    .set_bucket("main_commands", tanjun.BucketResource.USER, 5, 60)

Here InMemoryCooldownManager will manage the cooldowns for all the commands in this bot instance with Manager.set_bucket being called to limit the bucket "main_commands" to 5 calls per user every 60 seconds, Manager.disable_bucket being called to ensure that the bucket "plugin.meta" has no cooldowns as unconfigured buckets will default to the configuration for the "default" bucket, and Manager.add_to_client being used to set this cooldown manager for a client (note that clients can only have 1 linked cooldown manager).

@tanjun.with_cooldown("main_commands", follow_wrapped=True)
@tanjun.as_slash_command("name", "description")
async def user_command(ctx: -> None: ...

And here we use with_cooldown to mark these commands as using the "main_commands" cooldown bucket; buckets share their cooldowns for a resource across all the commands under it. For more information on the resources cooldowns can be set for see BucketResource.


Localisation allows for tailoring the declarations and responses of slash commands and context menu commands to match specific regions by providing multiple translations of a field. Localisation on Discord is limited to the locales Discord supports (listed at hikari.Locale).

Localising command declarations#

@tanjun.as_slash_command({hikari.Locale.EN_US: "Hola"}, "description")
async def command(ctx: -> None: ...

For fields which support localisation you've previously seen a single string being passed to them: this value is used as a default for all locales and for environments which don't support localisation (e.g. message command execution). But as shown above, you can also pass a dictionary of localised values to these fields.

Client localiser#

Tanjun also provides an optional global localiser which allows for setting/overriding the locale-specific variants used for localised fields such as error message responses and application fields globally.

client = tanjun.Client.from_gateway_bot(bot)

        "slash:command name:name", {hikari.Locale.EN_US: "american variant", hikari.Locale.EN_GB: "english variant"}
        "message_menu:command name:check:tanjun.OwnerCheck",
        {hikari.Locale.JA: "konnichiwa", hikari.Locale.ES_ES: "Hola"},

Specific fields may be overridden by their ID as shown above. There is no guaranteed format for field IDs but the standard implementations will always use the following formats unless explicitly overridden:

  • Checks and limiters: f"{command_type}:{command_name}:check:{check_name}"
  • Command descriptions: f"{command_type}:{command_name}:description"
  • Command names: f"{command_type}:{command_name}:name"
  • Slash option names: f"slash:{command_name}{option_name}"
  • Slash option descriptions: f"slash:{command_name}:option.description:{option_name}"
  • Slash option choice names: f"slash:{command_name}{choice_name}"

command_type may be one of "message_menu", "slash" or "user_menu", command_name will be the full name of the command (including parent command names in the path), and standard check names will always be prefixed with "tanjun.". These can also be "*" for check and limiter overrides to have them apply to the specified check for every command (e.g. "*:*:check:tanjun.OwnerCheck").

It's highly recommended that 3rd party libraries match this format if possible.

Localising command responses#

LOCALISED_RESPONSES: dict[str, str] = {
    hikari.Locale.DA: "Hej",
    hikari.Locale.DE: "Hallo",
    hikari.Locale.EN_GB: "Good day fellow sir",
    hikari.Locale.EN_US: "*shoots you*",
    hikari.Locale.ES_ES: "Hola",
    hikari.Locale.FR: "Bonjour, camarade baguette",
    hikari.Locale.PL: "Musimy szerzyć gejostwo w Strefach wolnych od LGBT, musimy zrobić rajd gejowski",
    hikari.Locale.SV_SE: "Hej, jag älskar min Blåhaj",
    hikari.Locale.VI: "Xin chào, Cây nói tiếng Việt",
    hikari.Locale.TR: "Merhaba",
    hikari.Locale.CS: "Ahoj",
    hikari.Locale.ZH_CN: "自由香港",
    hikari.Locale.JA: "こんにちは、アニメの女の子だったらいいのに",
    hikari.Locale.ZH_TW: "让台湾自由",

@tanjun.as_slash_command("name", "description")
async def as_slash_command(ctx: -> None:
    await ctx.respond(LOCALISED_RESPONSES.get(ctx.interaction.locale, "hello")) (base class for both and has the fields guild_locale and locale which provide the set locale of the guild and the user triggering the command respectively. This locale can be used to localise responses to specific languages within your own code.